Neptune Navigator
Senior Capstone Design
Remote-controlled, underwater retractable camera system for Humanitarian Robotics & Natural Disaster Relief
Senior Capstone Design
Remote-controlled, underwater retractable camera system for Humanitarian Robotics & Natural Disaster Relief
HowdyHack 2021 - 3rd place Grand Prize Winner
Device that plays specific genres of music based on the number of humans detected in the room; Developed using Python, OpenCV, & Raspberry Pi 4B
Full-Stack Health/Wellness web application to help users achieve fitness goals and develop routine
POS system designed using Java GUI building tools and a PostgreSQL Database
Device used to monitor social distancing between humans - Designed using Raspberry Pi 4, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, & OpenCV Library
Flight Travel Reservation System - TAMUHACK 2021
Fully functioning Datapath - ALU, Sign Extender, Register File, Instruction Memory, Control, etc.;
Developed using VerilogHDL on Raspberry Pi 4 board
Linux Shell with functioning command-line tools and interface; Developed in C++ through Oracle VM Virtualbox
Interactive Robot Service that "completes tasks" for you
Match the RGB color code with the correct colored square
Press your lettered keys for some cool effects!
Schedule Planner for daily activities
Personlized photo gallery for a personal web page
Designed using Bootstrap4 Flexbox Component